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Oklahoma Mesonet

120 surface sites collecting atmospheric (<10m), soil & solar data for distribution to NOAA

University of Oklahoma and Oklahoma State University

The Oklahoma Mesonet was created in 1994 to serve Oklahoma citizens, support state decision makers, enhance public safety and education, and stimulate advances in resource management, agriculture, industry, and research. The network consists of 121 automated stations, at least one in each of Oklahoma’s 77 counties. At each site, the environment is measured by a set of instruments located on or near a 10-meter-tall tower. The measurements are packaged into “observations” every 5 minutes, then the observations are transmitted to a central facility every 5 minutes, 24 hours per day year-round.

During the past 40 years, the University of Oklahoma has developed a world-renowned program in the atmospheric sciences and is a recognized leader in research, development, and application of science and technologies to monitor and forecast hazardous weather and climate. They also operate the “gold standard” for mesonets and proactively assist other domestic and international organizations establish monitoring networks of their own.

 Oklahoma Mesonet Videos

The NWS and the Mesonet

Rick Smith on the partnership between NWS and the Mesonet.

Meteorologist Kaitlin Frost

Recent OU graduate Kaitlin Frost and the Oklahoma Mesonet.

Mesonet and Public Safety

Albert Ashwood on the significance of the Oklahoma Mesonet to the public safety community.

Mesonet in Murray County

Murray County producer Chuck Coffee on the value of Mesonet weather information.

Mesonet and Osage County Agriculture

Osage County producer Eddie Fields on the value of mesonet data to agriculture.

Mesonet Cattle Comfort Index

Cattle rancher Earl Shero on the value of the Mesonet Cattle Comfort Index in Eastern Oklahoma.

Mesonet Landscaping Pass

A typical landscaping maintenance pass occurs multiple times per year at each Oklahoma Mesonet site.

Mesonet Data and Firefighting

Charlie Starbuck, Slapout Fire Chief, describes how he uses Mesonet data in fire situations.