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Mesoscale Weather Data in Real Time

A network of networks for improved weather prediction, warnings, and emergency response across the U.S.


The National Mesonet is the central repository for real-time collection and dissemination of non-federal surface, boundary layer and tropospheric atmospheric weather observations in the US. These observations substantially augment the nation’s backbone of monitoring infrastructure and significantly improve weather prediction, severe weather warnings, and emergency response for all regions of the country. Data from the National Mesonet also serves as a critical resource to aid business leaders, policy makers, and researchers in key decision making that affect every segment of the US economy including the highly weather-sensitive security, transportation, and energy sectors.

NMP Partners

The National Mesonet Program is comprised of more than 40 partners:

  • Private companies
  • State mesonets
  • Academic research organizations

NMP Network of Networks

The National Mesonet’s 35,000 stations/platforms include:

  • Aircraft data
  • Boundary layer observations
  • Nationwide surface data

NMP Data

National Mesonet data is used for:

  • Numerical weather prediction (NWP) — particularly high-resolution regional
  • Weather Forecast Office (WFO) short-term forecast modifications
  • Situational awareness
  • Post-event analysis
  • National Mesonet Data is licensed with limited rights