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Purdue Mesonet

10 stations, adding 4 more in 2022
Types of data collected: 30-minute (also hourly and daily) temperature (0.5m, 1.5m, 2.0m, 3.0m); humidity (2.0m); wind speed and direction (~3m); solar radiation (2.0m), precipitation, soil moisture and soil temperature (2”, 4”, 8”, 20”). Data is available for public distribution.

Purdue University
Indiana State Climate Office

The Purdue Mesonet was originally established to collect on-farm weather data at the 9 Purdue University agricultural centers around Indiana. Researchers would use this data to better understand relationships between weather and agricultural issues such as yield, pests and disease, and resiliency to extreme conditions and variability. The demand for this data has expanded beyond Purdue-owned land, however, so an increased effort is being made to install additional sites across the state to improve the spatial density and study issues such as soil moisture, low-level inversions, representative coverage area for winds at varying speeds, etc.